Hi. My name is Emily, this is my first blog, and therefore my first blog post. Hopefully this blog will live long and prosper, and one day I'll be so embarrassed at my first post that I'll delete it and think "Why did I ever post this??". Today is not that day.
So, I guess I'll just explain the purpose of me starting this blog. I want to review books, share my opinions, and get input from other people. I read a fair amount, so making posts shouldn't really be a problem. Plus, being a book reviewer comes with some perks ;) I really don't know what those perks could be, but I'm ready to find out. Once I figure out all the specs to running a blog and making a proper theme, I'll post my first review! I have a bunch of books that I'd like to review, and I have some ideas to make this blog great! If only I can get my technology to cooperate :/
I'll be up and running soon, hopefully. I'm starting school soon, so who knows when I'll have time to post again, but I'll try. Have a look around, maybe you'll find something interesting or promising :) Thanks for reading! Check out the About Me for my bio and links.
Note: I read pretty much all in the YA genre, so that's what I'll be reviewing, but if I get some suggestions for other books, I'll definitely be open to reading those too.