The Book Spectrum

Okay, guys. I realize this looks pretty strange, this inverted color spectrum (is it inverted? I think it is. It's not in rainbow order, but it suits my purposes perfectly). Let me explain. This will hereby be known as the Book Spectrum. My plan is to place the books I've reviewed on this spectrum as a ranking system. The really awesome ones will be on the purple side, and, of course, the bad one will be in the black/red side. Here's a helpful guide:

Purple- back in the day, like the Roman Empire day, purple was a color that only royals wore. Naturally, only royally wonderful books will be wearing purple. Basically, my favorites.

Blue- blue is my favorite color. Need I say more?

Green- green is a go. Pretty much means that it's good enough to check out, just don't get your hopes too high.

Yellow- slow. Proceed with caution. Maybe an overused genre (vampires, werewolves, anything Twilight-esque), maybe just a genre that I don't prefer. Maybe a bit elementary.

Red- like a fireball. As in, I want a fireball to hit this book, possibly burning it to a heap of ashes, for whatever reason.

Black- the abyss. The void. Nothing. Nonexistence. Nothing good here! Hopefully too many books won't be going in, because they won't be coming out.

I will update this with each book I read. That's it. Pretty simple, right? :)

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